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Whether it’s a leisurely cruise along the waters or making some waves of your own, the Aegean Sea becomes your playground. Spend moments of thrill and delight, frolicking in the big blue that graces Samos’ shore.

168澳洲幸运8开奖官网号码查询 官方开奖结果记录 Jet Ski

Sea Scooters



Water Pedals

Glide along the surface of the Aegean, enjoying a casual cruise with canoes, water pedals and sup or really dial up the fun with a jet ski ride. Whatever you feel like, just head over to our Watersports hub on the beach and make your request. The children of our family guests will love the animal-shaped pedals, choosing between a graceful swan or a mighty dragon while the adrenaline seekers will get their thrills by roaming around on the powerful jet ski.

Explore the beautiful seascape that surrounds our beach while soaking up the sun and having fun. At Doryssa Seaside Aegean Sea is your playground, whether you go for the energy-packed experience or at a slower, more leisurely pace along the glistening deep blue waters.


Doryssa Seaside Resort
Potokaki beach, Pythagorion

+30 698 392 2031

+30 22730 88300


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